A Taste of Summer (and the Winner!)


There is no fruit that I love more than summer berries.  In the winter, I especially like when I can take some out of the freezer from last summer’s garden.

You might already know that we do not eat much sugar in our house.  So, when I can make a dessert that tastes sweet, is filling, and has just a small amount of added sweetener it not only makes me happy, but the rest of the family too.

Berry Oat Bars is a recipe that is very close to one given to me by Janelle,  a friend’s sister.  I have made this many times since and have brought it to several pot luck dinners as well.  If you don’t have coconut oil, you can substitute the coconut oil for another oil you have on hand.

In the picture above, you can see that I have both blueberries and ground cherries.  Both were from last summer’s garden.  You can choose any berry or combination of berries that you would like.  All will be delicious!

If you think you would like to try this easy recipe, click right HERE!

And now, the winner of the $25 Amazon gift card is Christine, from Virginia!  Thanks to all of you who signed up for my posts!


2 Responses

  1. Heather says:

    Thanks for the recipe, Gwen! It looks really good.

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