Have Extra Garden Produce???
A few years ago, I had an abundance of vegetables from the garden, and really needed to figure out what to do with it all. As hard as I try, I am really terrible at meal planning, so I’m sure it was one of those days when it was about 4:00PM and I STILL didn’t know what we were going to have for dinner… A solution for an evening’s meal was a new creation, Garden Tortilla Soup.
This creation came to me as I thought of the Tortilla Soup Keith and I made before the kids were born. Looking back on that recipe, I guess we must have considered the onions and tortilla chips the vegetables? Now, there would be no way I would serve that to the kids without a side dish of veggies! The nice thing about my recreation of Tortilla Soup is that you can add other veggies or eliminate the ones you don’t have on hand or don’t like. I will leave that decision up to you!
A few things I really enjoy in this soup are the colors of yellow summer squash, cilantro, zucchini, red tomatoes, and some ruby Swiss chard. Below is a picture of exactly what I put in this soup as it came from our garden. (Notice the yellow/green Aunt Ruby’s tomato. It is one of my favorites.)
So, when your fridge if full of veggies, or your counter covered with them, cook up a double or triple recipe of this and freeze a few meals for busier days!
Please follow this link to the full recipe for Garden Tortilla Soup!