Of Books and Spring


One big goal I had this winter was to get A LOT of school accomplished!  Well, we have not been as successful as we have been in other years.  In reflecting on the winter as I am writing this post, I believe that the reason why this winter has not been as productive is due to an active teenager and pre-teen in the house and many more events on the calendar than in previous winters. (It really helps me to know WHY we did not accomplish this goal!)

As you know, I spent hours going through closets and finding new homes for things that we do not need throughout the past few months.  You also know that I have a weakness when it comes to books.  Keith built us an amazing bookcase this winter.  The completion of the bookcase has prompted me to go through all our books as I am reorganizing them.  I am very excited with the progress I made!  Just look at all these books that I have decided to part with!!

booksI will admit, what this photograph does not show is all the books I still have here.  (No photo here, it would be slightly embarrassing…)  I will admit that I am really struggling with what children’s books to keep.  I spent endless hours reading to the kids when they were little, and there are so many that bring back so many memories!  (I guess I hope to read them to the grandchildren??)

Now, on to Spring!  Over a week ago, I tilled part of the garden, and with Mary’s help, planted some lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, radicchio, radishes, mustard greens, and a few other things.  I also planted watercress for the first time.  None of us have eaten it before, however I did some research and found that it is a very nutritious green!  Today Mary spotted some mustard greens growing in the garden:-)  And I spotted some lettuce that had reseeded from last year’s crop!  For some reason, when the lettuce seeds on its own, it is AWESOME!  I highly recommend allowing some of your lettuce plants go to seed each year.

Here is some of what is happening in our yard.  Spring is HERE!



2 Responses

  1. Carrie says:

    Elizabeth would give those books a good home. She loves being read to on her bad days.

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