Category: Uncategorized


Take control of your weeds…

Take control of your weeds before they take control of you! Yes, there have been years when the weeds grew and grew, and basically took control of the garden.  But we are, whenever possible,...


The beauty all around us.

Most of the time when I am cutting our grass, I do not enjoy it and consider it a chore.  I have been doing most of that this spring, with Keith’s schedule being super...


Our Prayer Basket

Have you ever told someone you would pray for them and realized later that you had forgotten?  I have been there, and always feel this huge burden of guilt weighing on me.  I feel...


Why I blog.

Something I think about on a regular basis is wondering what life would have been like had I lived 250 years ago; back when most of what one needed, an enterprising family might produce...


Poetry Humor for Your Tuesday

Since Friday, Mary has been writing poems.  I think she’s got about ten so far.  She has loved poetry for years now. Two weekends ago, I finished off about two weeks of canning. Two...


Happy Thanksgiving!

I just wanted to wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving! Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;     let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come...