The beauty all around us.

Most of the time when I am cutting our grass, I do not enjoy it and consider it a chore.  I have been doing most of that this spring, with Keith’s schedule being super busy.  However, yesterday, for some reason, I was completely enjoying the warm sun and the little things I noticed in the yard.  First, I noticed the Black Cherry tree’s blossoms and just how perfectly shaped it looked.  And, the sky.  It was perfect!IMG_20160519_131202147_HDR[1]And then I noticed this Silver Maple.  The leaves still look perfect in early spring, and the branches are so graceful.

IMG_20160519_153657509[1]Take some time, even if it is brief, to get outside and admire some of the Lord’s creation!

Psalm 145:5 – On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.


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