Summer Squash Medley

summer squash medley 2summer squash medley 1


2 cloves of garlic, finely diced

2-3 TBSP Coconut Oil(or another oil that can stand high temp cooking)

2 medium summer squash, sliced

2 medium tomatoes, chopped

15 basil leaves, chopped

3/4-1 tsp salt


Melt coconut oil in a pan.  While this is melting, dice your garlic.  Then, add to the coconut oil.  Cook about 5 minutes.

While this is cooking, slice your squash.  Add to garlic/coconut oil and cook.  Cook this until the squash is the texture you like best.

While the squash is cooking, chop your tomatoes and your basil.  I like to have them waiting and ready to go in the pan.  Add salt on top.

Once squash is cooked to your liking, add tomatoes/basil/salt.  Cook just until heated.  Serve and enjoy!


7 Responses

  1. Ruth Ann says:

    This sounds and looks yummy! Colorful food is fun! I’ll try it when I can get some fresh tomatoes at the farmers market. I sure do miss the Aunt Ruby’s tomatoes!! Think you can mail some to me here in AZ?? Just maybe I will find them at the farmers market. Thanks for another yummy recipe!

  2. Nancy says:

    I make something like this, but it does not have the tomatoes. I will try very soon. Thanks!

  3. Heather says:

    That sounds good! I’ll have to try it when our tomatoes are ready. I already have lots of squash.

    • I hope you guys enjoy it. If you have a small can/jar of diced tomatoes, those should work if you need to eat the squash:-) You could use half the can, and freeze the other half for another week!

  4. Joan says:

    looks familiar…have done something similar a lot…and will again once my tomatoes ripen

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