Squash, Squash and more Squash

Last Sunday, I spent at least 5-10 minutes just trying to decide what I wanted to do with my big pile of summer squash.  Did I want to can it, so that I could easily add it to soup this winter, or did I want to make Squash Surprise?  Both things would eliminate a big bunch of squash!  Since I spent a good part of Saturday prepping and canning beet greens and beets, I realized I really did not want to spend more time in front of the stove and pressure cooker, especially since I knew canning salsa is on the horizon for Monday or Tuesday.

squash surprise

So on Sunday I made Squash Surprise.  We will eat it for dinner on Monday and at least one container will be in the freezer for another meal.

As with most of my recipes, I really do not like to make things complicated.  Mainly because I do not like things to be complicated for myself.  This recipe is simple and very fast to make.  If you have a food processor, use that to shred or chop both the onion and squash, and you can be done within 20 minutes.

Here is the link to Squash Surprise .  Try it; I think you will be pleasantly surprised!


The history of Squash Surprise, for those of you are are interested, began several years ago.  We did not have a garden that year because of attempting to sterilize the garden soil. (This did not work.) So we signed up for a crop share at a farm that Keith could stop at on the way home from work.  In one week, the amount of squash they gave us was truly unbelievable!  Not just one week, but there were a few other weeks there were innumerable squash.  (Kind of like the stars in the heavens….)

One week, I canned 18 pints of squash!  And at some point, this is when Squash Surprise was born.  Born as many recipes are here in our household; out of an overabundance of something:-)

2 Responses

  1. Heather says:

    I just tried this today and I loved it! Thanks for the great recipe. It was so good =).

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