Drying your own herbs


I am SO grateful we are done with school.  There is such a feeling of freedom to close up the books and know you do not need to get them out again for a while!  Since then, it feels like I am outside more than I am inside.  There are always things to do outside.  I like to pick lettuce earlier in the day to have it washed and ready for salads at lunch.  I have finally started picking mustard greens and kale to cook for our dinners!  I am also drying mint and chamomile for tea.

And weeds….  (Let us not ever forget those….)

I do not dry my herbs in the same way that the experts recommend.  Here are my reasons why: First, there is no place I would like to hang them.  Secondly, I do not want dust falling over them.  And finally, the most important reason of all, is that I have come up with another way that works for me.  I may loose a little flavor, however I have not noticed this at all.  I need no real special space for them, and they are somewhat enclosed and away from all the dust that I know is in our house!  I have done this for several years, and am so happy to share it with you!

Click here for the instructions!

herb jars

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