Plastic to Glass – Part II

It has been a long time in coming!!  Below is a picture of what I would say are my favorite containers.  I cannot ever have too many.

IMG_20150913_143630416_HDRSquare or rectangular containers will fit in your fridge or freezer well.  If they have flat lids, they will also stack nicely.  I have about twelve 11 Cup rectangular containers, and they are GREAT for freezing things like pumpkin or soups! (These make it very easy to make a huge pot of soup and freeze some for later.)  I know exactly how much to fill up these containers for a meal for my family.

There are also 3 Cup and 6 Cup rectangular containers that I also like. The 3 Cup containers are great to store chopped chicken or ground beef that is already cooked and ready to add to soups or chicken salad.


Last Fall, I had a huge abundance of pumpkin and I decided to purchase several more of the 11 Cup containers.  The containers cost less than the organic pumpkin inside (if I would have bought this from the store).  Right now I have twelve stacked in the freezer, ready to pull out when I need them.

What I appreciate about glass is that I can pour food into it hot, and don’t need to worry about it melting, and chemicals leaching into the food.

And finally, a picture of some pumpkin, frozen in quantities for a recipe of pumpkin cake when we need it!


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